Get Involved

Giving reflects a grateful heart. Hundreds of individuals and families give generously and joyfully every week to continue the ministry at FMC. Where we spend our money, our hearts follow. And, as a church family, we consider it a privilege to give to such a worthy cause. Give Online

Pray for this church and our leadership. Pray that God provides direction and opportunities. Pray for the people not here yet that will come to know God and have radically changed lives because of this church. And pray that we will never settle, but will press on both in our local neighborhood and throughout the world for God. Visit the prayer blog to be a part of the power of prayer. Visit the prayer blog.

We all have stories and experiences from what God is doing in our church. These stories encourage us, challenge us and help us put things into perspective. We want to share both online and during weekend services what God is doing in you and through you. It just takes a few minutes! Click the link to get started. Share your experiences.

This campaign is about what God does through you. We are the church and as the church we rally together and celebrate the fact that we're not done reaching children, students, adults and the entire world for Christ. 

CROSSING THE RIVER is so much more than a building campaign; it is a commitment to share in a mission together to grow this local church and enable it to reach out reach out into our community and into our world.