
Even while our church building still resides east of town on US 12, we have been using the West River Road location for many events. We're excited to host things like community soccer leagues, as well as many community events like Harvest Extravaganza.

Upward Soccer
Upward Soccer is a Christian soccer league that is open to the community. We've had great success running this league as a service to our community, with over 200 kids enrolled. Our soccer league runs in the fall, and in the spring we lend our fields to Optimist Soccer.

Harvest Extravaganza
This campaign is about what God does through you. We are the church and as the church we rally together and celebrate the fact that we're not done reaching children, students, adults and the entire world for Christ. 

Other Events
We believe it is important for us as a church to use our property and buildings to benefit our community. We're always open to new ways that we can contribute to our community. If you have a request or a great idea, we'd love to hear from you. Email us your ideas